The Best Way to Straighten a Bent Penis
A bent penis can be straigten without the need of surgery and relatively inexpensive. The perfered method is with a penis straigter device that’s designed to hold your penis in a straighter possision and then slowly work towards your goals.
The recommended device is called Quick Extender Pro (QEP) Curvature Corretion Edition
This what you get:
- A penis curvature correction device
- Non invasive treatment
- Inexpensive (compared to surgery)
- Very low risk
Read full article below for more background information
The bent penis also known as Peyronie’s disease is a medical condition in which the penis develops fibrous scar tissues resulting in painful erections and the penis taking a curved shape. Penis size and shape varies from one individual to another.
Having a penis that is slightly curved or bent is quite common among most men. However, having a penis that has an extreme curve is a bit abnormal and can be accompanied by pain.

A bent penis causes negative effects on a man’s ability to have sexual intercourse and makes it more difficult for him to maintain erections. The inability to have sexual intercourse and experiencing pain with erections can become a major cause of anxiety and stress for the affected person. In some cases, a bent penis can resolve on its own without any specific treatment, but in other many cases, it stays the same or even become worse. Treatment for a bent penis is recommended especially if there is a major curvature on the penis that causes a man’s inability to have satisfying sexual intercourse.
Table of Contents
Causes of a Bent Penis or Peyronie’s Disease
The cause of a bent penis is not fully known. However, several factors may contribute towards the bending of a penis. Most experts tend to agree that a minor penile trauma likely causes a bent penis. The common source of the penile trauma is thought to be a vigorous sexual activity such as vigorous penetration during sexual intercourse, repeated masturbation or pressure from a partner’s pubic bone.

The injury caused by such activities may lead to inflammation and cellular events resulting in a process known as fibrosis. This is a process where the body sends fibrous tissues in an attempt to protect and heal the traumatized tissues. When such trauma continues, the body keeps trying to repair the injury leading to more fibrosis reactions. These fibrosis reactions often end up building up leading to the formation of a hardened fibrous tissue under the skin of the penis. The hardened fibrous tissue can only be noticed when the penis erects.
Other Risk Factors that Contribute to a Bent Penis
Any minor injury does not always lead to a bent penis, although there are various factors which may contribute to the development of fibrous tissues thereby causing Peyronie’s disease. Some of those risk factors include:
- Heredity – According to research, there is a genetic connection to the development of a bent penis. In a case where a first degree relative of an individual is suffering from Peyronie’s diseases then there is quite a high chance that the individual will also suffer from the disease at some point in their life.
- Age – The age of an individual plays a major role in the development of a bent penis or Peyronie’s disease. This is due to the usual wear and tear of the tissues as one gets old, these tissues may become predisposed to injuries and likely lead to the development of the fibrous tissues during the healing process.
- Connective Tissue Diseases – Men who suffer from connective tissue disorders are likely to have an increased risk of developing a bent penis. From a few observed cases of those suffering from Peyronie’s diseases, it has been found that the affected person also has a condition known as Dupuytren’s contracture.
- Other factors – Certain factors such as smoking, certain forms of prostate surgeries may influence the development of Peyronie’s diseases.
Symptoms of a Bent Penis or Peyronie’s Disease
One of the main symptoms of Peyronie’s disease or a bent penis is the development of a flat scar tissue known as plaque. This fibrous scar can be felt through the skin especially when the penis is erect. This scar tissue forms on the upper side of the penis, but it may also occur at the side or the bottom.

In some cases, the scar tissue may form around the penis resulting in a “bottleneck” deformity. These tissues may gather calcium thus becoming hard. The fibrous tissues may result in soft erections, painful erections or severe bending of the penis. Also, development of plaque in a certain part of the penis may reduce the elasticity in that part.
Scar tissues that have formed on top of the penis may cause it to bend upwards during an erection. While scar tissues on the side of the penis may result in curvature towards that side. Having more than one scar tissue may lead to complex curvatures. Bending of the penis may make sexual penetration more difficult and painful. The plaque may also cause shortening or shrinkage of the penis.
You will undergo a physical exam to identify the presence of plaque in the penis to diagnose Peyronie’s disease. In some rare cases, other medical conditions may lead to similar symptoms, and therefore they need to be ruled out.
Testing to diagnose Peyronies’ disease and to get to understand exactly what is causing the symptoms may involve the following:
- Physical Exam – The doctor will first palpate or feel your penis while it is still soft, to find the location and amount of the formed scar tissue. The doctor may also measure the length of your penis. This initial measuring of the penis helps to determine whether your condition has worsened causing the penis to shorten.
The doctor may also ask you to take a few pictures of your erect penis. This will help in determining the severity of the curvature, the exact location of the plaque and any other vital details that may help in identifying the best treatment approach for you.
- Other tests – Aside from the physical exam, your doctor may recommend an ultrasound or other tests to examine the condition of your erect penis. Before the ultrasound, the doctor will make some injections into your penis to make it erect. Ultrasound is the most commonly used test by doctors to test penis abnormalities. These tests use sound waves to take images of soft tissues. They can show the presence and location of the scar tissue, flow of the blood into the penis and any other abnormalities that the doctor may not have found by physical examination.

Treatment options for a Bent Penis
Your doctor may recommend for you a wait and see approach if:
- The curvature of your penis is becoming worse or not
- You have a good erectile function
- You can still have sexual intercourse with no or mild pain despite the bent penis
In case any of these symptoms are worsening as time goes by then your doctor may recommend other forms of treatment to correct the problem. Some of these types of treatment include
Oral Medications
Oral medications can help men who have been badly affected by Peyronie’s disease during the acute phase. However, there are no sufficient research studies to show how exactly these medications work.
- Oral Vitamin E – Vitamin E is a popular antioxidant due to its mild effects and its affordable cost. Research studies done as back as in the 1950s show that taking vitamin E may help in making the scar tissues fade away or become smaller thus straightening the penis. However, most of these research studies did not compare an outcome of a group of individuals using vitamin E to those who did not. In other studies that used a control group found out that vitamin E did not work better than a placebo. A placebo is a small pill that has no drugs in it- a sugar pill.
- Potassium Amino-benzoate – Few studies with placebo controls found out that this vitamin B-complex helps in reducing the size of the fibrous scar but not the curvature. Unfortunately, the pills are quite expensive, and the patients are required to take 24 pills per day for 3-6 months. Also, the pills are known to cause stomach upset thereby making most men stop taking them.
- Colchicine – This is an anti-swelling drug that has been shown to be quite helpful in treating Peyronie’s disease. However, most of the patients taking this medication experience stomach problems thus they stop taking it. It has also not been proven to work better than placebo.
- Tamoxifen – This is an anti-estrogen and non-steroidal drug that is used to treat desmoids tumors, which are more of the same as the plaques in Peyronie’s disease. However, there are only a few research studies of this drug, and they have not proved that it works better than placebo.
- Carnitine – This is an antioxidant drug that is used to lower swelling of wounds to help them heal fast. Studies have shown that this drug can be used to reduce the severity of Peyronie’s disease.

Penile Injections
Injection a drug into the scar tissue brings higher doses of the medication to the Peyronie’s disease than taking oral drugs. In most cases, penile injections are used for men who are not sure about the surgical treatment and yet they have an acute phase disease. Before injecting the drug, the skin is often numbed to minimize the pain.
- Interferon injections – Interferon is a type of protein made in the body which helps in controlling swelling. This protein has been shown to help in disrupting the production of fibrous tissues and by producing an enzyme which helps in breaking down the scar tissues.
- Verapamil Injections – Usually, this drug is used to treat high blood pressure. It helps in disrupting the production of collagen, a protein that is responsible for the formation of scar tissues. This drug also helps in reducing penile pain.
- Collagenase Injections – This is the only FDA-approved medication for bent penis. This drug has been approved to be used by adult men that have mild to severe curves and a palpable nodule. This drug helps in breaking down the build-up collagen that lead to bending of the penis. This treatment seems to work more effectively when used together with modeling. This is the forcible bending of the penis in the opposite direction that is has curved.
Surgery for Peyronie’s Disease or a Bent Penis
In most cases, surgery is only recommended for men who have severe, disabling penile curvatures that make it difficult to have sexual intercourse. Most doctors suggest putting off surgery until the scar tissue has to stop forming, the curving has stabilized, and the patient has stopped feeling pain for at least 9-12 months. Before surgery, your doctor will check your flow of blood into the penis by injecting a drug to cause an erection. He may also take an ultrasound to check inside the penis. The ultrasound images will give the doctor a vivid picture of the penis so that he can decide the type of surgery that will suit you best.
Common Surgical Treatments include:
- Placating or Suturing the Unaffected Side. – Various procedures can be used to suture or plicate the side of the penis without scar tissue (the longer side of the penis). An example of this type of procedure is Nesbit plication, whereby the longer side of the penis is placated. The plication helps in straightening the penis, although this may lead to the shortening of the penis as well as erectile dysfunction.
- Incision or Excision and Grafting – This procedure is applied where there are severe cases of Peyronie’s disease whereby the penis has significantly bent. It involves the cutting into the fibrous tissue and allowing the penile sheath to stretch out thus straightening the penis. Tissue grafts either from your body, another person or an animal are used to cover the holes made in the tunica albuginea. This method is prone to cause greater risks of erectile dysfunction compared to plication method.
- Penile Implants – This procedure involves surgically inserting penile implants to replace the spongy tissues that get filled with blood when a penis erects. The penile implants might be semi-rigid, this means that they can be manually bent down and upward during sexual intercourse. Another type of penile implant is inflated that has a pump inserted in the scrotum. These implants may be a good treatment option if a patient has a bent penis and also suffering from erectile dysfunction.
Your doctor will consider your condition before choosing any type of surgery. He will consider the location of the plaque, the severity of your condition and other factors. In case a patient is not circumcised, the doctor may suggest a circumcision to be done during the surgery. Also, depending on the type of surgery you had, you may be able to go home on the same day or might have to spend a night in the hospital. After the surgery, you will need to wait for at least eight weeks before engaging in sexual intercourse.
Other Treatments
There are other ways of treating a bent penis, especially if you do not want to spend a fortune on surgery and medications. One of these treatments is the use of the Quick Extender Pro. This is one of the best medically backed treatment system that can greatly help in straightening out any penis curvature.
So, How Does Quick Extender Pro Straighten a Bent Penis?

Quick Extender Pro has elongation bars and traction headpiece that work in tandem to help put your penis under constant and great tension. When used consistently, this device will create space between the cells of the penis known as Cavernosa. These cells are responsible for holding blood and prevent it from flowing back during erection.

The constant and gentle stretch by the Quick Extender Pro promotes the healthy and natural growth of the cells. It also increases blood flow into a man’s genital area which results in longer and stronger erections that are actually permanent. Besides all this, Quick Extender Pro helps in making your penis bigger and straighter.
Quick Extender Pro may appear quite complicated to use on the outlook. However, this device is user-friendly and effective. For you to put it on, you have to insert your penis into the large hole at the base. Once you’ve inserted the penis, its head will rest against the top part where it can be strapped in either one of the two ways.
One way of strapping the penis is by using the silicone harness which forms a noose just below the head. The other way of strapping is by using the silicone comfort strap which hugs the same part of the penis like a belt would or an armband. Once the penis has been strapped in, the user will use the springs, rods and the tension screws to straighten a bent penis and increase its size gradually. The user may also adjust the rods which come in incremental lengths such as ½ inch, 2 inches or 3 inches. Once the rods are at the correct length, the springs inside shall exert a constant tension pulling the penis forward and outward. The tension screws can be used to reduce or increase the tension; there are also three slots on the rods that show the level of tension in grams.
All in all, consistency and constant pulling and tension is what will straighten the curvature and increase the size of your penis over time.
You can find other penis extenders if you wish to use this method. We’ve created a penis extender guide if you wih to learn more.
Bottom Line
A bent penis is a common condition that occurs to thousands of men across the globe. The situation can be not only embarrassing but also painful. However, if you are one of the thousands of men going through the condition, there are some remedies at your disposal that you can apply as discussed in the article. The most effective one is undoubtedly the Quick Extender Pro. Purchase yours today and solve your little problem once and for all.
This what you get with Quick Extender Pro:
- A penis curvature correction device
- Non invasive treatment
- Inexpensive (compared to surgery)
- Very low risk